Perhaps the most well-known Jaguar retrospective on YouTube is The Angry Video Game Nerd's take, which is almost completely negative in tone. Hilarious yes...factually accurate? Not so much. The section that claims the Jaguar CD is prone to breaking down if you so much as look at it has a lot to answer for; with even more people now incorrectly believing the thing is as fragile as a the paper crown from inside a particularly cheap Christmas cracker. Note: it isn't. Mine fell off a shelf and it still worked perfectly.
Anyway, enough from me - here's Nostalgia Nerd's video:
A couple of things I noticed in the video. At the 23 minute mark, some beta footage of Alien Vs Predator shows the player using a double barrelled shotgun (see image below). I personally have never seen this short snippet before and didn't know this particular weapon was ever in any build of the game...proof that you learn something every day!
Secondly, when he's discussing the Jaguar controller (11:20), it looks like the one he's using has had the wire cut off. Very bizarre...but thought it was worth mentioning for no reason in particular!
That version of AVP shown on the picture was dumped last year alongside another build of the game so you can try it now ;-)